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Baby Chat - Reed Hall
6 July 2022
Starts: 13:30
Ends: 15:30

 A community *group run every 2 weeks aimed at supporting new parents in the area with opportunities for advice regarding feeding/ caring for their babies. There will be education themes, or there may not be (you choose) - antenatal breastfeeding preparation, combination feeding, feeding and going back to work...

The venue will be Reed Hall, Bellingham, NE48 2JP, the first date is Wednesday 5th Jan 13.30-15.30. This is FREE to the villagers of Bellingham - ALL WELCOME (including bottle feeding babies). Anyone outside of Bellingham would be asked to make a small donation towards the hall rental costs

*Only for pregnant ladies and/or babies under 6 months

Book Here

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WI Meeting
6 July 2022
Starts: 19:30

We meet the first Wednesday of the month at 7.30pm in the MURC Hall. All welcome, potential new members or just guests who have an interest in one of our speakers talks.

Wednesday 6th July 'Nostalgic views of the North' speakers John and Sheila Moreels.

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